Sunday, February 9, 2014

Trevorrow Jurassic World To Be Shot on Film, Partially with 65MM

These dinosaurs are going to be BIG. But that's the way they should be. Some excellent news for film purists out there - director Colin Trevorrow has tweeted confirmation the Jurassic World, the upcoming Jurassic Park reboot/sequel in the works for 2015, will be shot on film. Trevorrow was tweeting about the news that cinematographer John Schwartzman (of Pearl Harbor, Seabiscuit, Green Hornet, Amazing Spider-Man, Saving Mr. Banks) would be shooting the project and will be shooting "this April on 35mm and 65mm film." For those unfamiliar, 65mm film is also IMAX-size, meaning they're shooting large format for some scenes.
Here's the original tweet embedded from director Colin Trevorrow, who revealed quite a bit of info here.

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